Explore Veterinary Microscopic Anatomy with Dr. Peabody’s Histology Video Packages
Dr. Wilson, Texas A&M DVM, has created 50 instructional histology videos to be used as…
Dr. Nicola Ritter and CET pilot test new GRP SPS Tool in collaboration with US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service and the African Union
In partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service and the African…
Dr. Nicola Ritter awarded a $1M grant from USDA-APHIS to develop vitual training experiences to augment foreign animal disease trainings
Dr. Nicola Ritter, Instructional Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Educational Technologies (CET),…
Dr. Nicola Ritter Awarded a 4H Foundation Grant
Dr. Ritter founded the Panola Robotics program with two Lego Mindstorm robots borrowed by the…
Drs. Nicola Ritter and Molly Gonzales to Pilot Test GRP Toolkit with African Countries Starting in June 2024
Dr. Nicola L. Ritter, Instructional Associate Professor and Director for the Center for Educational Technologies,…
VIBS Graduates 17 Students in May 2024
The VIBS Department would like to highlight our 17 students that graduated this May! We…
Faculty Highlights
Dr. William Murphy Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
On April 30th, Dr. Murphy has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences! We…
Dr. Keri Norman Receives Funding from Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Dr. Keri Norman received funding from the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Animal Health and Disease…
Dr. Greg Johnson and Dr. James Cai Awarded New Grant from the USDA
Drs. Johnson and Cai from the VIBS department, Dr. Heewon Seo from the University of…
The CET group is working with the USDA-Foreign Agriculture Services on its next joint phase…
Texas A&M University Awarded National Institute of Corrections Grant to Develop Augmented Reality Experiences for Correctional Officers
The CET group is working with the Department of Justice / National Institute of Corrections…
Check Out What CET Has Been Up To
VIBS and VERO faculty partnered to create and deliver a workshop to selected areas within…
Two New Publications from Dr. Cai’s Lab
VIBS is very excited to announce that Dr. Cai’s Lab has two new publications! Please…
New Articles from The Center for Educational Technologies
Go check out the new articles The Center for Educational Technologies has published on their…
A New Publication for Dr. Hamer
Dr. Hamer adds a new publication! The article is titled, “High prevalence of canine heartworm,…
2nd New Publication by Dr. Ndeffo
This is the second new publication Dr. Ndeffo has had published. Go check out this…
1st New Publication by Dr. Ndeffo
Dr. Ndeffo has been busy at work and has had two new publications published. Go…
Dr. Nghiem has a New Publication
Give Dr. Nghiem’s new article, “Assessment of systemic AAV-microdystrophin gene therapy in the GRMD model…