Dr. Nicola Ritter awarded a $1M grant from USDA-APHIS to develop vitual training experiences to augment foreign animal disease trainings

Dr. Nicola Ritter, Instructional Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Educational Technologies (CET), was awarded a $1M, two-year grant from USDA-APHIS to develop a training program that augments their in-person foreign animal disease trainings. This virtual training program will expand access to veterinarians and animal health care providers who monitor the health of America’s food animal supply. Dr. Ritter has led the Center for Educational Technologies through previous USDA training grants. Bette Bittner, Instructional Designer at the Center for Educational Technologies, will support subject matter experts and lead the production team in developing immersive, augmented reality learning experiences for veterinarians.
Learn more about this program at the CET website.